Monday, November 27, 2006

Good Drugs for Bad People


Yeah, I know what you mean. I've thought about that before, but now, the way you put it, it kind of makes more sense. You've always had the best perspective on things. Seriously, you do! I mean now, think about it, we've always been complaining about him. We go on and on about what he's got, what he's doing, all the bullshit that he gets away with, even profits from, and that when it's us we always get busted. Well, listen to what you just said, "He never does the right thing, and he always get what he wants." That's it right there! He lies, he cheats, and what does he care? He knows that in the end nothing can touch him. But now we've figured him out. Next time he does something stupid don't go help him, promise me you won't. He needs to learn that by hurting other people, you can hurt yourself as well. Life is short, but it is just long enough for things to catch up with you. The old man's going to hell, but I want him to know he's going before he's there.

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