Can't just let the old blog go by the wayside, what would the "next blog" pushing stranger think? Sometimes you gotta just feel like put pen to paper, y'know? The more we discuss our writing the worser I feel but the better I feel I could be getting. I am making the best out of a good situation because it keeps the four walls up, but it is hard to watch the world fall apart everyday. And it is falling apart everyday. I talked to Gilbert about that a little bit and he said, "Everyone is just sick of putting up with each others shit." Couldn't be better put, but truth doesn't solve problems it just shows there is a light.
Dramatic Monologue:
Sometimes at night, when I've watched the sun set through that window, I can almost see it in the relection. I know it ain't real, just a smudge on the glass, but to me in that second, it feels like I can see the whole thing, my whole new life. It's funny you know, there's not much that you can feel you ever truly know, but you're always sure what it's gonna be like if only- If only you hadn't stayed in this house. If only you had some courage to walk out that door. If only you hadn't stood at that sink everynight and watched a million different suns set on that same sad horizon. It makes me mad. Frustrated, y'know? So, you don't go gettin on me about my life, about what I'm doing wrong. You should take a look in the mirror for once. Everything you've said about me you're just as guilty for, worse.