Wednesday, October 19, 2005

One link to keeps you out of the clink

This thing is cool. It changes your IP addie in case of your downloading something that is not yours. The best part of using it is getting around download limits on Though we are cheating them... but hell we cheat a alot of people.

Tons of albums in .rar format.

to open them go to


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

this guys links kick ass

All's well besides. You see I didn't post all those bad reviews! Ha.

Let the world be communal

Friday, October 07, 2005

Digital Cameras

I've been thinking for a while about this invention we call the "digital camera". I believe it is perhaps the greatest contribution to art that technology has ever made. I know, you're all saying, 'but the camera has been around for more than a hundred...". The digital camera requires no development, no chemicals, and most of them don't require any knowledge of photographic process or theory to use. Now everyone, that can afford one (they are getting cheaper), can show to someone exactly what their eye sees, without having to explain. The invention gives us the ability to truly examine the question of beauty without having to question the intention of the artist. Aristotle would be happy as a pig in ...